I was giving my website a spring clean, when colours and patterns lept out at me from a great commission that I’d almost forgotten. It was one of those free and easy briefs that required that we make a selection of fabrics and wallpapers to work together for Madame Figaro Magazine. The bonus was that they printed it on three double page spreads, which always looks better and has more impact.
Swinging London is where the best wall coverings get designed, so I contacted the very talented UK based stylist Louise Grey for help.
Mathew Williamson had just realised a new range for Osborne & Little, but Louise suggested inserting the work of some other UK designers, to give more texture to the image of wall papers, which lets be honest, are a bit flat.
Heres a list of the names: Nigel Coates, Bethan Gray, Max Lamb, Lee Broom, Katie Walker, Tom Dixon, H Furniture, Rachel Whiteread, Naomi Paul Barber & Osgerby.
For a variety of reasons including teleworking and not being able to transport furniture accross borders , we finally shot this at in Brittany, at my house which sometimes doubles as a studio. The double height ceilings enabled us to get some good lengths happening, and we had a fun couple of days making frames, and backboards to hang the product on. We have great natural light coupled with touches of artificials lights and I’m happy with the result.
Wall paper is bold statement, but the most difficult step is making a choice.